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What can companies do to generate more inclusive conversations & spaces for their Black employees?

Creating more inclusive conversations and spaces for Black employees requires intentional efforts from companies to foster an environment where all voices are heard, respected, and valued.

At Primis, we work hard on creating an inclusive workplace for all of our employees, to ensure they feel safe and valued with anything we do as a company - it's one of the most important things!

Here's just a few things your company can do to create an inclusive, safe environment for black employees:

1. Establish Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

  • Support Black ERGs: Encourage the formation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) specifically for Black employees. These groups provide a platform for employees to share their experiences, network, and advocate for change within the company.

  • Leadership Support: Ensure that ERGs have the backing of senior leadership and access to resources so their initiatives can have a meaningful impact.

2. Encourage Open Dialogue and Listening Sessions

  • Host Listening Sessions: Regularly organize listening sessions where Black employees can speak openly about their experiences in the workplace. This should be a safe space where their concerns are genuinely heard, and action plans are developed to address issues.

  • Anonymous Feedback Channels: Offer anonymous feedback channels for employees to voice concerns or suggestions, particularly around race-related issues, without fear of repercussion.

3. Promote Inclusive Leadership

  • Inclusive Leadership Training: Train managers and leaders on inclusive leadership practices, emphasizing the importance of creating equitable and respectful workplaces. Leaders should be encouraged to actively engage with Black employees, listen to their perspectives, and advocate for their career development.

  • Mentorship Programs: Create mentorship or sponsorship programs that connect Black employees with senior leaders to help them advance their careers and navigate challenges within the company.

4. Conduct Unconscious Bias and Anti-Racism Training

  • Ongoing Bias Training: Implement regular unconscious bias and anti-racism training to help employees and leaders understand how biases affect decision-making, hiring, promotions, and everyday interactions.

  • Anti-Racist Education: Provide education on systemic racism and its impact in both the workplace and broader society. Encourage employees to reflect on how they can be allies and support Black colleagues.

5. Implement Clear Policies on Microaggressions

  • Address Microaggressions: Educate employees on what constitutes microaggressions and the harm they cause. Establish a zero-tolerance policy on workplace microaggressions, and ensure that employees feel comfortable reporting incidents.

  • Create a Reporting System: Provide clear channels for reporting discriminatory behavior, and ensure there are mechanisms in place to hold individuals accountable.

6. Foster a Culture of Allyship

  • Promote Allyship Programs: Encourage non-Black employees to become allies by providing guidance on how they can actively support their Black colleagues. This can include speaking up against discriminatory behavior, promoting Black colleagues for leadership opportunities, and advocating for diversity and inclusion initiatives.

  • Host Allyship Workshops: Offer workshops or seminars on allyship, helping employees understand their role in fostering an inclusive workplace.

7. Celebrate Black Voices and Achievements

  • Highlight Black Contributions: Regularly recognize and celebrate the contributions of Black employees within the company. Feature their stories, achievements, and expertise in company newsletters, social media, and events.

  • Cultural Awareness Events: Celebrate Black History Month and other significant cultural events with company-wide programming that highlights the history, culture, and experiences of Black people. Ensure that these celebrations are driven by Black employees and not seen as tokenistic.

8. Ensure Equitable Career Development

  • Career Path Transparency: Provide clear career advancement paths and ensure Black employees have equal access to promotions, high-visibility projects, and leadership development opportunities.

  • Fair Performance Evaluations: Review performance evaluation processes to ensure they are free from bias. Train managers on how to assess talent and potential without letting racial bias influence their decisions.

9. Measure and Track Inclusion Efforts

  • Diversity Metrics: Regularly track and report on diversity metrics, including the representation and retention of Black employees at all levels of the company. Use this data to identify gaps and make improvements.

  • Inclusion Surveys: Conduct periodic employee surveys to gauge the inclusivity of the workplace environment, particularly for Black employees. Use the findings to guide policy changes or initiatives.

10. Create Safe Spaces for Difficult Conversations

  • Facilitated Discussions: Organize facilitated conversations around race, inclusion, and diversity. Bring in external moderators or diversity consultants to lead these discussions to ensure they are productive, safe, and inclusive.

  • Acknowledge Systemic Issues: Create an environment where the company acknowledges the existence of systemic racism and commits to addressing it within the workplace.

Looking to make steps to improve your workplace environment? We are happy to help! Drop us a message on if you'd like to have a conversation with us around any of the above.

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